Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finally COLOR!!!

Ok I was seriously starting to wonder if ANY of the trees here turned colors or if the leaves finally just gave up and fell off. This week is the first week I have really noticed most of the trees turning colors. I was getting really worried there for a while! So, now I don't have to move back to the NW ... whew! That was a close one.

I love driving through the neighborhoods with the garages in the back, they seem to all be tree lined streets where everyone keeps the front nice and the leaves are all turning now it is soooo pretty. I really do look forward to buying one of those houses in the next year or two. I've been scouting neighborhoods trying to stay really close to work/church. It has been a HUGE blessing to live 3 min away.

So all that to say "fall is finally in Dallas"


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