Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Well here we go, ready or not!

I got a call from my friend, the one with the 4 children (two bio, two almost adopted). And it looks like we are a go on me watching her children. Only, one thing is different... I start next week! This was optional but I don't really have any reason not to do it.

This will be a stretch for me. I've watched this many children before but usually slightly different ages and for different amounts of time. This will be 4 days a week with breaks in there for preschool, kindergarten and ladies bible study. I don't think I'm crazy for doing this but I guess only the blog will tell!

God is so good. We had some pretty lofty financial goals after we got here. The kind of things that you think... we'll NEVER be able to do that! (or it will take our whole lives) And while there are always more/better ways to do things (i.e. buying a house with cash) that we don't quite have the nerve to do, the Lord seems to be providing ways for us to actually accomplish our goals! It has been pretty exciting. We are also blessed to be a part of a capital campaign at our new church. It is awesome to see Him moving in our lives!

On with my day!

1 comment:

Tana said...

Are you crazy yet?? I am sure you have been doing great with all the children!!!